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If you've been reading the latest development updates the name myconid should be familiar to you. If not: he's the one who's been working on adding lots of new graphics capabilities to the game, which have made the game look a lot better (take a look at the latest development updates/the last release announcement if you haven't already to get a glimpse of what he has made possible). Because of that it was not a difficult decision to make him the featured contributor this time, and without further ado here's a quick interview with him:

Tell us a bit about yourself

My first encounter with programming was on an Mac Classic II, where I discovered Hypercard and Basic - I feel ancient just thinking that was over 20 years ago! A bit later I got a PC demo of Macromedia Director 4 (the Flash of its time), which was in many ways similar with Hypercard, but its Lingo scripting language was much more flexible... and it had colour too.

Then I found Borland Delphi 1 Freeware on a PC magazine's cover CD, and that's when I really started getting into programming. Maybe it won't surprise anyone that my first big programming project (sometime circa 1996) was a collab with a friend to make an adventure game engine in the style of SCUMM (think Monkey Island, etc). We actually got pretty far, and had our own scripting language, pathfinding, hi-resolution graphics...

Anyway, after a while I moved to Borland C++, discovered the internet and then the Open Source community. A couple of Computer Science degrees plus a "few" lines of code later, programming is my full-time career. Since in my day job I don't get to make games, here I am indulging my 27-year-old inner man-child!


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